Tech Neck – When Technology Becomes a Pain In Your Neck

Tech Neck When Technology Becomes a Pain In Your Neck It seems that just about everything we do these days ...

Help Your Kids Detox After Vaccines

Title Summertime brings long days at the pool, nights at the ballfields, family vacations, trips to grandparents' houses, and so ...

Learn More About Your Health with Hair Analysis at Turning Point Wellness

Title In our ever-evolving journey to help our patients discover their optimal health and wellness, the chiropractors at Turning Point ...
Dr. Katie adjusting a pregnant woman for safe and natural maternity care.

The Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care

Title When a woman is pregnant or trying to conceive, it seems like everyone has advice, personal stories, and opinions ...

AcuGraph lends modern touch to ancient technique

Title Happy new year! This time of year always feels like a fresh start. People are making resolutions, setting intentions, ...

Natural Ways to Give Your Body an Immune Boost This Winter

Title Whether you're eagerly anticipating the first snowfall - or counting down the days until Spring Break - there's no ...

Get the Most Out of Your Chiropractic Adjustment

Title Most patients seek chiropractic adjustment to solve a problem - typically to ease pain or increase range of motion. ...
Man and woman happily chopping fresh vegetables

Keeping Inflammation at Bay Through Diet

Title Chronic inflammation affects millions of Americans. This type of inflammation causes stiff and achy joints, fatigue, pain, brain fog, ...
Young woman with hands on neck indicating pain

Suffering From Chronic Inflammation? Chiropractic Care Can Help

Title Do you feel rundown every day, even when you've gotten plenty of sleep? Do you have stiff joints and ...

Backpacks and Spinal Health

Hauling a heavy backpack may cause serious postural misalignments resulting in neck, back & shoulder pain, headaches, and muscle & ...